A little about Natural-Beauty

My name is Ryan Schutte. I graduated from Dawson/Verdon High School in Dawson, Nebraska in 1995. I have always loved photography and worked on our yearbook in high school. In our small school, there were about 6 of us that created the yearbook, taking all the candid pictures for it, creating the layouts, etc.

I started Natural-Beauty Photography in August 2004 with school kids in mind. The main focus of Natural-Beauty Photography was originally candid sport & event photography, especially at the local schools.

Over the first few years, I had several parents and a few high schoolers asking me to take family or senior portraits. Most of the time I would decline and refer them to another local photographer. I didn't have the expertise or equipment for portraits - and believe me, there is a lot more to learn about lighting and taking great portraits than I ever thought at the time.

In 2009, I decided that maybe it was time to learn those portrait and lighting secrets. I went to a basic lighting course in Montana at Rocky Mountain School of Photography. Shortly afterward, I got my first set of studio strobes and started practicing. We have now been offering portrait photography since 2009 and are continually learning more and more new techniques. My favorite things to do is to push my boundaries and try new and different things.

Senior Portraits are especially fun because you get to try all kinds of new things. Finding and expressing the personality of each individual senior means that no two sessions are the same. I love getting ideas from the seniors that they want to try - either something that they have seen somewhere and liked or just new ideas that they have come up with themselves. I'm willing to try almost anything - though I would probably draw the line at skydiving and taking a picture in free fall. :)

If you are needing senior portraits taken, come talk with me. We offer a free consultation so that we can get to know each other better and find out exactly what you're looking for in your senior portraits. After that, we can book your session and get some fabulous portraits that show just who you are.